Paragon is an open line & only works with the best dealer partners in the industry.


Thank you for your interest in becoming a new dealer for Paragon Furniture! We look forward to working with you. This page contains all of the forms we need to set your firm up as a Paragon dealer. Prior to completing our new dealer forms, please review our Partner Handbook as it describes the rules of engagement. It is super important to us that we start off with a clear understanding and agreement on how we will conduct our business. If you have any questions about the dealer set-up process, please email us at or call us at 800-451-8546. With that, let’s get started!

Learn all about the benefits of becoming a Paragon Furniture Dealer Partner.

A simple credit application & resale exemption form to get you all set up with Paragon Furniture.


Check out all of the awesome resources we have available at Paragon Furniture!

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